July 18, 2022


Preventive services do exactly what the name implies: they are screenings, tests, or vaccines designed to catch symptoms of a condition early. Catching it early means that it can be treated early, potentially saving a life, not to mention thousands of dollars in medical costs.

Under Medicare Part B, a suite of preventive services are available ranging from cancer screenings to mental health checks. These crucial services can alleviate the worries that come with age, as well as provide up-to-date information on your wellbeing.

Cancer Screenings

There is a suite of cancer screening services available under Medicare Part B. Some of these include cardiovascular screenings, mammograms, colorectal tests, and lung cancer screenings. These tests are non-invasive, quick, and can be lifesaving. Under Original Medicare, some of these tests are provided at no cost to you!

Depression Screenings

Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions across all age groups. It affects not only your productivity, but also your capacity to feel happiness and fulfillment in your life. Getting with a mental health professional for a depression screening to prevent this condition could change your life. Luckily, depression screenings are covered under Medicare Part B, so you can protect your wellbeing and your wallet.

Flu Shots

When flu season comes around, it’s best to be protected. Professionals advise that you get the flu shot as soon as it’s available, especially if you are immunocompromised. You can get this season’s flu shot at your doctor’s office or at a pharmacy near you. Thankfully, flu shots are covered under Original Medicare, so shots are free and easy.

Annual Wellness Visit

Did you know that filling out a simple questionnaire can make a huge difference for the future of your health? Yearly wellness visits consist of filling out a “health risk assessment” which asks questions to probe for future health concerns. On the assessment you can expect questions about family history and a review of current prescriptions. This gives your healthcare provider a solid view of your health, which allows them to make more informed medical decisions in the face of conditions or disorders. Yearly wellness visits are covered under Medicare, but there may be a coinsurance to cover out of pocket.

Diabetes Screenings

Diabetes can appear as a result of a host of different factors, and its effects can be life-changing. Getting ahead of a diagnosis with preventive treatment can make a world of difference. Medicare Part B covers tests for Diabetes if your doctor determines that you’re at risk. Depending on the severity of symptoms as well as your medical history, you can qualify for up to two screenings per year. These tests and screenings come at no cost under Medicare.

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